Monthly Archives: June 2015

Recursive Queries: Sudoku Solver

This Sudoku solver uses a number of recursive queries, first to generate fixed data structures and then to drive the search for a solution.

This solver simply applies the rules.

  1. Every row, column and box (3×3) must have the digits 1 to 9 once and once only.
  2. If only one digit can go in a cell then it must go there.
  3. If a digit can go in only one place in a row, column or box then it must go there.

Here is the code.

First, the fixed data structures.

digits := {{ sdigit:= '1', ndigit := 1}} recurse( {{ sdigit:=text(ndigit+1), ndigit:=ndigit+1 }} [?(ndigit <= 9)] )
digitsx := digits union {{ sdigit := '.', ndigit := 0 }}
units := {{ index := 0, row := 0, col := 0, box := 0 }} recurse( 
        {{ index := index + 1, 
          row := (index + 1) div 9, 
          col := (index + 1) mod 9, 
          box := (index + 1) div 3 mod 3 + (index + 1) div 27 * 3 }} [?(index <= 80)] )
poss := units [{ index }] join digits [{ ndigit }]
possu := units join digits [{ ndigit }]

Now some useful functions.

showb(t:text) => do {
     seq(11)[{ N, line:=
         if(N mod 4 = 3,
            fill('-', 9),
            right(left(t, 9 + (N - N div 4) * 9), 9))}]
// Show a set of knowns. First fill out all index values, then convert to text
 showunk(k:poss) => do {
 t := (k union (units ajoin k)[{ index, ndigit := 0}]) join digitsx[{ ndigit, sdigit }]
 showb(t [$(index)][{ fold(&, sdigit) }])

The original raw data

inp := {{ sud := '53..7....6..195....98....6.8...6...34..8.3..17...2...6.6....28....419..5....8..79' }}
 //inp := {{ sud := '1....7.9..3..2...8..96..5....53..9...1..8...26....4...3......1..4......7..7...3..' }}
 board := ((units join inp) [{ * sud, sdigit := right(left(sud, index + 1), 1) }] compose digitsx) [{ index, ndigit }]
 knowns := board [?( ndigit <> 0)]
 'Knowns=' & knowns.count

This the solver, which recurses as long as it can make progress. After this you have to guess.

solution := knowns recurse(
 do {
 // start with the 729 possiblities, progressively remove conflicts with knowns
 knownsu := knowns join units
 allowedu := possu ajoin knownsu[{ index }]
 ajoin knownsu[{ row, ndigit }]
 ajoin knownsu[{ col, ndigit }]
 ajoin knownsu[{ box, ndigit }]

// algorithm 1 - a cell with only one possible digit must be that digit
 new1 := allowedu [{ index, tot:=fold(+,1) }] [?(tot=1)] join allowedu

// algorithm 2 - a digit with only one place in a unit must go there
 new2a := allowedu [{ ndigit, row, tot:=fold(+,1) }] [?(tot=1)] join allowedu
 new2b := allowedu [{ ndigit, col, tot:=fold(+,1) }] [?(tot=1)] join allowedu
 new2c := allowedu [{ ndigit, box, tot:=fold(+,1) }] [?(tot=1)] join allowedu

 new1[{ index, ndigit }] union new2a union new2b union new2c
And here is the grid, before and after solving.
N      | line
     0 | 53..7....
     1 | 6..195...
     2 | .98....6.
     3 | ---------
     4 | 8...6...3
     5 | 4..8.3..1
     6 | 7...2...6
     7 | ---------
     8 | .6....28.
     9 | ...419..5
    10 | ....8..79

N      | line
     0 | 534678912
     1 | 672195348
     2 | 198342567
     3 | ---------
     4 | 859761423
     5 | 426853791
     6 | 713924856
     7 | ---------
     8 | 961537284
     9 | 287419635
    10 | 345286179


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Filed under Code sample, Language

Recursive Queries: the Mandelbrot Set

Recursive queries can be used to solve a variety of problems that require multiple passes, not just recursive data structures. Here is an implementation of the Mandelbrot set as ASCII art.

xaxis := {{ x:=-2.0 }} recurse( {{ x:=x+0.05 }} [?(x<1.2)] )
yaxis := {{ y:=-1.0 }} recurse( {{ y:=y+0.1 }} [?(y<1.1)] )
m := ({{ iter:=0, x:=0, y:=0 }} join xaxis[{ cx:=x }] join yaxis[{ cy:=y }]) 
    recurse( {{ iter:=iter+1, x := x*x-y*y+cx, y:=2*x*y+cy, cx, cy, }} [?(x*x+y*y<4.0 and iter<28)] )
m2 := m[{ iter := fold(max,iter), cx, cy }] [$(cy,cx)]
a := m2 [ { cy, t := fold(&, right(left(' .+*#', 1 + iter div 6), 1)) }]

This query iterates each point up to 28 times to find those that lie on the border of the Mandelbrot set. Each point that is still within range is iterated until no more can be found. The number of iterations selects which character to display.

Here is the result.

cy     | t
  -1.0 |                                     ....#            
  -0.9 |                                    ..#*..            
  -0.8 |                                  ..+####+.           
  -0.7 |                             .......+####+...   +     
  -0.6 |                            ..##+###########*.++++    
  -0.5 |                           .+.##################*.    
  -0.4 |               .............*###################+.*   
  -0.3 |               ..+*.+#+....*#####################+.   
  -0.2 |              ...+#######++#######################.   
  -0.1 |           ...++*################################.    
   0.0 |  #############################################...    
   0.1 |           ...++*################################.    
   0.2 |              ...+#######++#######################.   
   0.3 |               ..+*.+#+....*#####################+.   
   0.4 |               .............*###################+.*   
   0.5 |                           .+.##################*.    
   0.6 |                            ..##+###########*.++++    
   0.7 |                             .......+####+...   +     
   0.8 |                                  ..+####+.           
   0.9 |                                    ..#*..            
   1.0 |                                     ....#


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Filed under Code sample, Language

Recursive Queries

Andl now supports recursive queries. This can be seen as a direct extension of the Relational Algebra for the situation where a query cannot be satisfied in a single operation.

Imagine a company organisation chart. One query will find every employee who reports to a given boss, but it takes a succession of queries to find out who reports to that employee, and who reports to them, until at last we reach the workers and no-one reports to them.

Here is the data for a simple orgchart (data thanks to SQLite).

name  | boss
Alice |
Bob   | Alice
Cindy | Alice
Dave  | Bob
Emma  | Bob
Fred  | Cindy
Gail  | Cindy

Here is the Andl code to query it.

def orgchart:db(csv)
ua := {{ name:= 'Alice', level := 0 }} recurse( {{ boss := name, level := level+1 }} compose orgchart)
ua [{ t:=fill('.', level*3) & name }]

And here is the result. The recurse function repeatedly evaluates the join with successive tuples starting from the seed, until no more can be found.

name  | level
Alice |      0
Bob   |      1
Cindy |      1
Dave  |      2
Emma  |      2
Fred  |      2
Gail  |      2

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Filed under Code sample, Language

Sample Andl code: the Dbix CD Sample

One thing I knew and has only been reinforced in early feedback about Andl: you can’t just talk about a new language, you have to show it.

So here is my version of a sample application I found on CPAN: They’re not strictly comparable, so just take this is as a sample of what Andl code looks like for creating some data and executing some simple queries.

// translation of sample application from

// create the database relvars
artist  := {{ artistid:0, name:'' }}
cd      := {{ cdid:0, artistid:0, title:'', year:0 }}
track   := {{ trackid:0, cdid:0, title:'' }}

// some data in temporary relvars, with auto-generated ordinals
$artist_data := {{name:''}
  ( 'Michael Jackson' ), 
  ( 'Eminem' ),
} [{ *artistid := ord() }]

$cd_data := {{ title:'', name:'' }
  ( 'Thriller',                'Michael Jackson' ),
  ( 'Bad',                     'Michael Jackson' ),
  ( 'The Marshall Mathers LP', 'Eminem' ),
} [{ *cdid := ord() }]

$track_data := {{ title:'', cd:'' }
   ( 'Beat It'         , 'Thriller' ),
   ( 'Billie Jean'     , 'Thriller' ),
   ( 'Dirty Diana'     , 'Bad' ),
   ( 'Smooth Criminal' , 'Bad' ),
   ( 'Leave Me Alone'  , 'Bad' ),
   ( 'Stan'            , 'The Marshall Mathers LP' ),
   ( 'The Way I Am'    , 'The Marshall Mathers LP' ),
 } [{ *trackid := ord() }]

// update the database relvars
artist := union $artist_data
cd := union ($cd_data join artist) [{ title, cdid, artistid, year:=0}]
track := union ($track_data join cd [{ *cd := title }]) [{ trackid, title, cdid }]

// functions to answer various queries
get_tracks_by_cd(t) => cd[ ?(title = t) { *title } ] join track
get_tracks_by_artist(a) => (artist[ ?(name = a) { *name }] join cd) [{ cdid }] join track
get_cd_by_track(t) => track [ ?(title = t) { cdid } ] join cd
get_cds_by_artist(a) => artist [?(name = a) { artistid } ] join cd
get_artist_by_track(t) => (track [?(title = t) { cdid }] join cd) [{ artistid }] join artist
get_artist_by_cd(t) => (cd [?(title = t) { cdid }] join cd) [{ artistid }] join artist

// first show the raw data

crlf := h'd a'
output := crlf & "=== Sample data ===" & crlf
output := artist.pp
output := crlf.pp
output := cd.pp
output := crlf.pp
output := track.pp

// now do the queries

show(title, data:{{ str:'' }}) => do {
    output := title & crlf & data[ {fold(&, "  " & str & crlf)} ]

output := crlf & "=== Query results ===" & crlf
show("Track title:", get_tracks_by_cd('Bad') [ {str:=title} ])
show("Track title:", get_tracks_by_artist('Michael Jackson') [ {str:=title} ])
show("CD title:", get_cd_by_track('Stan') [ {str:=title} ])
show("CD title:", get_cds_by_artist('Michael Jackson') [ {str:=title} ])
show("Artist:", get_artist_by_track('Dirty Diana') [ {str:=name} ])
show("Artist:", get_artist_by_cd('The Marshall Mathers LP') [ {str:=name} ])

The output from compiling and running this script looks as follows.

=== Sample data ===

artistid | name           
       0 | Michael Jackson
       1 | Eminem         

text: '
cdid   | artistid | title                   | year  
     0 |        0 | Thriller                |      0
     1 |        0 | Bad                     |      0
     2 |        1 | The Marshall Mathers LP |      0

text: '
trackid | cdid   | title          
      0 |      0 | Beat It        
      1 |      0 | Billie Jean    
      2 |      1 | Dirty Diana    
      3 |      1 | Smooth Criminal
      4 |      1 | Leave Me Alone 
      5 |      2 | Stan           
      6 |      2 | The Way I Am   

=== Query results ===

Track title:
  Dirty Diana
  Smooth Criminal
  Leave Me Alone

Track title:
  Beat It
  Billie Jean
  Dirty Diana
  Smooth Criminal
  Leave Me Alone

CD title:
  The Marshall Mathers LP

CD title:

  Michael Jackson


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Announcement: Andl on SQLite is here!

Andl can now use Sqlite as a backend database. In other words, the entire language, type system and relational operations now work on a native SQLite database.

The language supported is identical to the in-memory version already released. The type system, expression evaluation and relational algebra are identical. There are no (known or intended) incompatibilities or restrictions, other than as below. The performance is reasonable (considering the stage of development), but a couple of areas need some work.

All relation and attribute types are supported, including DEE and DUM (relations with no attributes), Relation Valued Attributes, Tuple Valued Attributes, User Defined Types and arbitrary aggregation using FOLD(). There is one area not yet implemented due to challenges in the platform/SQL, and that is Ordered Aggregation (grouping). It’s just plain hard!

The implementation now also contains a Catalog, which stores compiled functions, user-defined types, application variables of all types and links to database relvars. Any program can create its own new catalog, import an existing one, and/or save its changes. The database can be local, by persisting the in-memory relvars to a folder, or it can be SQLite.

For those interested, the strategy is a mix of SQL generation and a runtime Virtual Machine. The implementation strategy contains only a modest amount of Sqlite specific code. The exact same method should work with any of the main RDBMS. I would plan to tackle Postgres next (requires Java Interop), and then perhaps SQL Server.

A release is available now from the Downloads page.


Filed under Backend